Saturday, October 1, 2011

We Will Rise

When my life doesn't follow the orders I give it, when it deliberately disobeys, or just plain doesn't make sense, I tend to turn to music for comfort.  I didn't say it's the first thing I turn to.  Depending on the problem(s) other viable options are God, my husband, friends, family, animals, chocolate, or macaroni and cheese.

In no particular order.

But there's just something special about driving in the car, completely consumed with life's unfairness, and a song comes on that speaks to you, counsels you, UNDERSTANDS you. When the song ends you've found some much needed clarity and a more positive point of view.  You could find out later that the person had written the song about their cat...but for all intents and purposes, the song was written about YOU and for YOU. 

This exact thing happened to me the other day when I heard the song "Rise" by Shawn McDonald.  I had never heard it before nor had I heard of the guitar wielding artist.  I immediately wanted to marry his voice.  That happens to me sometimes.  I also wanted to wrap him up and take him home to someone I love who is hurting.  Because really, this song is not for me it's for them. 

It's the kind of song with an amazingly soothing rhythm.  You feel the strong conviction without the need to cry oceans of tears.  It's a song of hope, of peace...of faith.  Whether you've experienced a tragic loss, a horrible day, or you've stubbed your toe eight times in ten minutes, this song will lift you up and you'll rise from your own particular least temporarily.  Then you'll have to listen to it again.